Captain's Log
Ever since 2019 LHS has had STEAM captains. This has allowed students with clear leadership capabilities to work in Steamworks to not only help it run as a club and classroom but as a social space where kids can learn when and how they want. This is a place where the current STEAM captains can post status updates and the recent news surrounding Steamworks.
2019 STEAM Captains!!! The first-ever team of STEAM captains. Left to right:
Bethany .L.
Tim .G.
Mr. Vallance
Peter .P.
Alesia .J.
Log 3 - 21/09/19
Just a little something Alesia forgot to mention, Steamworks has a VR Facility! The C.A.V.E (Collaborative, Advanced, Virtual, Environment) We now can have over 10 people using VR at the same time! Look at the school's facebook and newsletter for pictures! -Peter
Log 2 - 18/09/19
This term has finally come to an end, and it’s been a busy one. It’s hard to believe that the production was at the beginning of this term! Myself and some of the other girls from SteamQueens were tasked to create some props for the production; swords, daggers, axes, and spearheads. We spent weeks designing and building these props, it was quite stressful if I’m being honest. But it was all worth it when we saw them being used on stage by the actors, it’s an incredible feeling to know that you contributed to creating a story that rich and amazing.
Another thing that has happened this term has been the BeatSaber Tournament. Or course, it hasn’t actually happened yet, but it was announced and tryouts were held to determine the team. Around 40 people tried out to be included, and the 22 highest scorers where selected. For those who don’t know, BeatSaber is a VR (virtual reality) game that involves chopping floating blocks with lightsabers to the beat of music (think of it like guitar hero but with cutting blocks). It is an amazing game to play and I thoroughly recommend it to everyone - if you don’t have a VR, I suggest that you look it up on YouTube, it’s amazing to watch!
Of course, we can’t forget one of the most exciting things that has occurred over the past couple of weeks. The Yarra Ranges Tech School (YRTS) has offered the SteamQueens a permanent club room in their facilities. It is an outside school hours club and is not affiliated with Lilydale High, so girls from any schools in the area can join. It’s open to any girl between the ages of 12 and 17 and it’s an amazing opportunity to create a bigger space to complete projects, learn skills, and just have fun! The facilities at the tech school are awesome - if you can think of a piece of technology, they’ve most likely got it. So far we have been four times (it runs from 3:00 - 4:30 on a Friday) and have started working on a project to create fundraising for the Nepal Trip, which is taking place next year.
So far, I would say that Term Three 2019 has been a success! If you have any questions regarding anything I’ve talked about, feel free to email us.
Thanks - Alesia Jensen
Log 1 - 3/09/19
First-ever Captain's Log! This is just a test. Yay! -Peter